WhyNotPriest? is the world site for vocations to the priesthood
Today is a wonderful
time to be a priest!

To risk one’s life for the Lord and for one’s brothers and sisters
“To be a priest is to risk one’s life for the Lord and for one’s brothers, carrying in one’s own flesh the joy and anguish of the people, investing one’s time in listening in order to heal the wounds of others, offering to all the tenderness of the Father” – Pope Francis
What do we do?
WhyNotPriest arises as
response from a group of Catholic seminarians of the Legionaries of Christ, upon hearing the words that St. John Paul II addressed to the young people: “Today is a wonderful time to be a priest!”

Get involved with vocations!

Prayer for Priestly Vocations
We are missionaries and promoters of the priestly vocation
“This missionary action is not born simply from our abilities, intentions or projects, nor from our will, nor from our effort to practice the virtues, but from a profound experience with Jesus. Only then can we become witnesses of Someone, of a Life, and this makes us “apostles”. Then we recognize ourselves as marked “on fire by that mission to enlighten, bless, enliven, raise up, heal, liberate”